Valerie is based in NYC and works both freelance and as a contributor for Getty Entertainment.
She is also an actor, producer, and songwriter, and her experience in the vulnerable, tender, high stakes processes of creating art and putting it out into the world informs how she captures all of her work.
She bought her first camera after producing a short film she was starring in because she wanted to learn how to visually capture stories.
She brought that camera with her quite literally everywhere: first dates, walks down NYC avenues in snow storms, the tops of mountains in the Pacific Northwest, backstage while she was rehearsing plays, film sets, family events, empty studios where she'd play with lights, where she'd eventually volunteer friends as models to try out new things.
People liked what she was doing and quickly started hiring her to do it. A lot. After a few months, she was published, photographing her favorite sports team and actors, and now she's here.
She is obsessively curious about everything, a voracious learner, and is always trying to make her next photo session even better than her last.
She believes that every single one of us possesses a unique and singular beauty that shines through when we are our most authentic selves.
She spends every session--whether it's portraits, events, or a live performance--creating the space that allows that authenticity and beauty to shine through.
Her clients say she passes the "vibe check"--but go read the testimonials to hear about that.
Her favorite artist in the world is Taylor Swift, who she photographed once. She thinks that's absolutely one of the coolest things that's ever happened.
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